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Living for God Column: Excessive Escapes

By Calvin R. and Lisa Are Wulf





"Excessive Escapes"


By Calvin and Lisa Wulf


"He said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'"  Mark 6:31 (NIV)



"How was your vacation?" his assistant inquires.


"It was fantastic," he replies, propping his tired head on the desk.  "We hit the beaches and stuffed ourselves at some terrific restaurants.  Then we hiked the peaks and survived the monster roller-coaster.  We elbowed our way through eleven airports with only five flight delays.  But I'm pooped.  I'm glad to be back at work so I can get some rest!"


We can't wait to get away.  But time is so tight that we cram mega thrills into a capsule of a moment.  Because our frantic lifestyle demands an intense pleasure payback, every vacation must be a peak experience.  Who cares if we gain ten pounds and drop from exhaustion?  It's worth it.


Or is it?  Our breakneck pace at work can often be more restful than the trips we take to escape the pressure.  Something's wrong here.  In our frenzied need for diversion and distraction, have we aced God out of the equation?


The Lord didn't take an excessive vacation to escape the whirlwind pace of creating the universe.  He worked for six days then set apart the seventh day for rest.  If God needed a break, perhaps you do too.


Stimulating getaways are fun.  But we need another kind of vacation too – one that renews the soul without exhausting the body.  If we want to serve God effectively, we must step away periodically and just be with him. 


Want to jump off the merry-go-round for a bit?  Here's how: 


·        Pace yourself on trips.  Keep up your devotional life.

·        Consider getting away to a quiet place.  Maybe even a silent retreat.

·        Let God be your tour guide.  Rest under his wings.


What's your dream vacation?  Action packed trips are fine – in moderation.  But consider a restful escape.  Take time away to discover the great plans Jesus has for you.  Perhaps this is your day to step off the roller-coaster for a bit.  Plan a cozy little getaway with God.


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© 2008 Calvin R. Wulf and Lisa Are Wulf




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